Sinp’ asqa and Boxes by Magui Rodríguez

Eponine Howarth

Bisabuela Justina Saruca

Sinp’ asqa*

I wish I had the patience for long hair
let it fall
on the back
comb it twice a day

I wish I had the patience for long hair
dark brown
parting in the middle
prepare three strands between the fingers
weave on the left
a braid
starting behind the ear
and dying
at the waist

Repeat the movements

I wish I had the patience for two Andean braids
that would highlight my cheekbones when I laugh
to look like great-grandmother Justina

From the braids
Quechuan words
those that I lost
that I don't know

I wish I had the warak’a** braids
of great grandmother Justina.

* quechua word that means BRAIDED

** quechua word, the warak'a is a sling that is made by braiding wool.


With my muscles

leaving loose threads

with impossible knots

I dismantle what used to be my home

Now I dismantle slowly
one by one

like a jigsaw puzzle
thousands of pieces

Not so long ago I put it together
now with the effort behind me
it’s time to mix the parts
inside of a box

Now I dismantle that home
where I listened proudly
praise for its beauty

the details


we poured

into every corner

Now I tear them off
my chest sinks
I can’t find a box to put myself in
I blindly grope

my pieces
trying not to lose any

Sinp’ asqa*

Quisiera tener la paciencia del pelo largo
dejarlo caer
sobre la espalda
peinarlo dos veces al día

Quisiera tener la paciencia del pelo largo
castaño oscuro
línea al medio
preparar tres mechones entre los dedos
tejer a la izquierda
una trenza
nace detrás de la oreja
y muere
en la cintura

Repetir la operación

Quisiera tener la paciencia de dos trenzas andinas
que resalten mis pómulos cuando río
parecerme a la bisabuela Justina

Desde las trenzas
se escapan palabras
esas que perdí
que no conozco

Quisiera tener las trenzas warak’a**
de la bisabuela Justina.

* palabra quechua que significa TRENZADO

** palabra quechua, la warak’a es una honda que se realiza trenzando lana.


Con mis músculos
hechos hilos
enredados una maraña
con nudos imposibles desarmo
el que fue mi hogar

Ahora  desarmo despacio
una a una
como un rompecabezas
miles de piezas

No hace tanto lo armé
ahora con el esfuerzo a cuestas
toca mezclar las partes
dentro de una caja

Ahora desarmo ese hogar
donde escuchaba orgullosa
elogios por su belleza
los detalles





                                                                      en cada rincón

Ahora los arranco
el pecho se hunde
no encuentro caja donde guardarme
a ciegas mis piezas
procurando no perder ninguna

Magui Rodríguez was born on a rainy Tuesday in 1987. She grew up in the municipality of La Matanza. She writes as a means of survival. Curiosity is what drives her. She goes back and forth between cooking, writing, audiovisual, dance and since very recently she's been experimenting with acting. Puercoespín de tramontinas is her first poetry book published by El olmo y las peras (2023).

Eponine Howarth

Eponine Howarth is co-editor-in-chief of La Piccioletta Barca.

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