Cabo Cervera by Rodrigo Arriagada Zubieta

Juan Arabia

Cabo Cervera

Al caer la tarde miras a las chicas borrachas
despiertas por obra y gracia de la sal
bailan en trajes transparentes
deslizan bajo el cielo rebosante de sangre
los cuerpos un crimen pegado al corazón
                             picaduras y azotes
otro pubis rompiendo sin estorbos en la cara

Para el resto la tarde es una de tantas
de la memoria perdida en los grumos de la luz
y el viento alzando el canto
como si el mundo estuviera hecho de amor.

Cabo Cervera

At dusk you look at the drunken girls
awake by the grace and work of the salt
they dance in transparent dresses
the bodies slide under the sky brimming
with blood a crime stuck to the heart
                          bites and whips
another pubis breaking in the face without barriers

For the rest, the evening is one of many
of the lost memory in the lumps of light
and the wind raising the song
as if the world was made of love.

Rodrigo Arriagada Zubieta (Viña del Mar, Chile, 1982) is a Chilean poet, translator and literary critic. He is Director of the Pippa Passes collection of the magazine and publisher Buenos Aires Poetry, a label that has published his trilogy made up of the books Extrañeza (2017), Hotel Sitges (2018), Zubieta (2019), and El Greco (2021). His poems have been translated into Italian, English and Bengali, published in media in Chile, Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, the United States, Italy and Spain. His work has been anthologized in Chile by the Santiago Inédito publishing house under the title Una temporada en la cabeza (CL), 2020. In translation, he published Cutty Sark (Poesía escogida) by Hart Crane (2020) and Thirties Poets (2021) . He is currently finishing his doctoral studies in Hispanic letters at the Complutense University of Madrid. He resides in Alicante, Spain.

Juan Arabia

Juan Arabia (1983-) is a poet, translator, and literary critic. Born in Buenos Aires (Argentina), he is founder and director of the cultural and literary project Buenos Aires Poetry. Arabia is also in-house literary critic for the Cultural Supplement of Diario Perfil and Revista Ñ of Diario Clarín. Among his most recent poetry titles are Desalojo de la Naturaleza (Buenos Aires Poetry, 2018), Hacia Carcassonne (Pre-Textos, 2021), and Bulmenia (Buenos Aires Poetry, 2022). After the publication of El enemigo de los Thirties (2015), awarded in France, Italy, and Macedonia, he participated in several poetry festivals in Latin America, Europe, and China. In 2018, on behalf of Argentina, he was invited to the "Voix vives de Méditerranée en Méditerranée'' poetry festival in Sète (France). The following year he became the second Latin American poet to be invited to the "Poetry Comes to Museum LXI" sponsored by the Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum. Some of his books have been translated into English, French, Italian, and Chinese, being L'Océan Avare (trad. Jean Portante, Al Manar, 2018) and Verso Carcassonne (trad. Mattia Tarantino, Raffaelli Editore, 2022) the most recent titles.

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