Put Gunch

Veronica Schorr

La mujer del sweater rojo (1935), by Antonio Berni.

Put Gunch

Yosing lou was a put
gunch, a tick in the keeth,
the strast law—

it cailed the noffin. I don’t
want to deat a head borse,
but are you alill stive?

Are fe wriends?
Won’t you lop me
a drine?

You’ve made nomething
out of sothing.
I tite my bongue

and tide my bime,
that thing
betching stretween us,

mickle fistress, flimsy
as wour yord
or thack lereof,

like a whain tristle
heard nate at light.

Veronica Schorr

Veronica Schorr is the author of Conscious Blue (Finishing Line Press, 2021) and winner of the Collins Literary Prize in Poetry. Her writing appears in Spoon River Poetry Review, Honey Literary, Hole In The Head Review, and elsewhere. Most recently, she received an honorable mention in the 2023 Spoon River Poetry Review Editors’ Prize. Veronica is Assistant Poetry Editor at EcoTheo Review and lives in Phoenix, AZ. (veronicaschorr.com)

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