Cry Me A River

Kapil Kachru

Cry Me A River

Cry me a river, don’t flood my mind
Let’s marvel at the many
We always leave behind
Swallowing up the sidewalk
Searching for any sign
Stool pigeons and sofa hawks
Come here to kick back and unwind
These curtains are laced with apathy
There’s anxiety in those blinds
Cry me a river, don’t flood my mind

The story keeps spinning
There’s no moral to this
Blocking out here and now
With buckets of lists
It’s survival of the fittest
And by the looks of it
They seem to be doing just fine
Step right up, your turn for a kiss
Go with your gut
Ride with your bliss
Shake down the rhythm
Switch up that rhyme

Call me indifferent
Don’t consider it unkind
The Devil’s in the details
Hidden by bright sunshine
I didn’t go looking for my demons
They weren’t that hard to find
I invited them to dinner
Served them only wine
Morning nearly murdered me
And robbed my conscience blind

Cry me a river, don’t flood my mind
There’s a path over that way
Won’t be an easy climb
They’re tearing up the trees
They’re outsourcing the crime
Try not to slip between the cracks
Happens all the time
I’m running low on feelings
And I’m almost out of lines
Cry me a river, don’t flood my mind

Kapil Kachru

Born in Lucknow. Based in Boston. Kapil's poems and stories have appeared in journals, magazines and anthologies in India, Japan, The Netherlands and the US. Including Inverse Journal, Noon: journal of the short poem, The Bangalore Review and The Bombay Literary Magazine. 'Negligible Inertia,' his first collection of poems was published by Writers Workshop, India. (IG: @kapilkachru)

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