I'm a co-founder of La Piccioletta Barca. I used to run the monthly digital issues with Vasiliki. I also help out with various other portions of the magazine's production, but the ability and dedication of the rest of the team means that this is rarely needed!
Having appreciated incredible translations of international (and primarily Japanese) novelists, one of my pet peeves is the relative obscurity of contemporary Greek fiction. I am particularly impressed by the novels and plays of Paulos Matesis, who has one of the most compelling narratorial voices I have ever read. I've tried tackling this issue by translating his works myself, but comparisons between my translation and his original tend to intimidate me, so I scrap the projects.
Outside of La Piccioletta Barca, I devote most of my time to reading and writing. I am particularly interested in the malleability of narrative voice, which has led me down various literary and academic avenues, primarily modernism and the philosophy of language. Having experimented with various forms of writing to express my views in the past, with analytic philosophy at the forefront, I have finally settled on fiction and am hard at work on my first novel.