Photo by Lightmaniac (@iamlightmaniac)
Where are the unwriting writers?
Maybe wetness numbles them
or are they being bombed by bad news in an unstoppable way
the lack of faith in human kind
the overage of drinks and smokes
may calm anxiety but drains the energy.
I recommend:
spend time with friends that are good for us
the consumption of fresh fruits
of those that will gush your hand with their juice when you bite them
a splash into the water with a bomb style jump
float in an inflatable while the sun hits you hard
smile to the clouds for a while
listen to your whole favorite cd (reading the songs lyrics)
All these to flood your mind with fresh ideas that eliminate
the toxic echoes of the last few days
Those, those of the most brutal capitalism,
the ones from the fusty right.
I think of you in me,
naked, embracing.
The caresses that are now deaf
and don't inhabit me.
And they don't touch you.
The groanings,
the pleasure I want to give you.
Shared with my essence,
filled with my own grief,
from before, from now,
from tears that shushes them.
Seeking to escape
without finding a way.
(From Rosagante)
Lola Masip
Lola Masip (Lola Navaja) is trained in design, costume design, and makeup artistry. She has been expressing herself creatively since childhood through singing, songwriting, photography, and writing. She attended numerous writing workshops and is currently pursuing a degree in Writing Arts at the UNA (Buenos Aires). In February 2020, in collaboration with Ninja Papel, she published her debut poetry collection, Rosagante, an exploration of erotic themes. The collection was independently republished in November 2023. Masip is currently working on the edition of her second book of poems about love, disappointment, and romance.
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