Ripped Posters as a Means to Understanding Cities

Michael Howarth

I have always been attracted to the ripped posters that are to be found, left to rot in various cities around the world. As different geological layers meld together, with the myriad colours forming an ongoing palette, readymades are formed—accidental collages waiting to be discovered by the eye of the beholder. Doomed to decay and eventually be cleaned away (although this can sometimes take many years), these transient artworks cover the city, interacting with our lives even if we often never notice.

Berlin, Germany Summer 2019
Granada, Spain Easter 2011

Berlin, Germany Summer 2019
Berlin, Germany Summer 2019

Michael Howarth

Michael Howarth is a photographer and house husband. He used to be a lecturer in French literature at University College London. In collaboration with the artist and writer, Brian Williams, he has made two films based on the work of Robert Pinget.

Issue 29
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