Please make sure you keep all your personal belongings with you
– The Tube
Men’s armpits,
snotty toddlers with kites,
cyclist and his bike,
folded over and under like
complex origami, students
singing with beer up their noses,
men with suits and ties and tired faces,
prim women clutching Louis Vuitton,
the art student with his pottery,
teens with Tinder, kids with headphones,
delicate ladies with woollen hats,
obnoxious couple who just bought a plant,
the determined door hog who shouts
“There’s no room! There’s no room!”,
the rude rolling eyes, the kind smiling,
the Northerners who nudge and say
“it’s bit cramped in here, isn’t it, ey”,
a man singing opera, and another who
filmed me.
He got off at Balham.
The woman who saw him
told me not to wear dresses
that expose
my knees.