Citizens of The Persistence of Memory and Other Poems

Alex Starr

Citizens of The Persistence of Memory

Watches women tapping
windows of waiting
vehicles they look
dried up and even
from a stone's throw
away can see
wrinkled texture
their skin in
a recessed area far
sidewalk a leper
is panhandling it is
a hypnosis
movement resembles
beckoning her hands
flick to parts
her stunted body
head mottled vines
hair that descend
her scalp in
what appears to be
an effort at relief
some burden weighing
down from without
or from within
her eyes gleam
slivers obsidian
her movement echoes
women tapping at the windows
coordination like consciousness
of a single maestro
waiting cars shift
gears or restart
engines those
in front accelerate
away from the rest
the rest follow
staggering behind
one another
women recede
a maestro a waiting


We are the
universe not
from it
we may only
ever know
some of it
much of it
flees us
faster than
even that
is us
is the tip
of the nail
of every left
ring finger
the blue
of sapphire
lapis glacier
the veins of

Dog in The Persistence of Memory

He continues along lake
until bridge is no longer
bridge he pauses at edge
footpath looks one way
turns to look other way
two of his legs move
down in front
he steps in
there is no reason to
entering bloodstream
vessels careening
toward him in
wash of vitality
he steps between them
waiting next pocket
they bend
trajectory by hairs
magnetised against
charge of his mind body
he steps forward waits
klaxons approach recede
unique as voices
in this place doppler
more common than lack
of movement he trots
forward some faces
in vessels
give him a moment
recognition he needs
no other proof of being
he steps up onto
footpath as minutes
pass the path
wears into
naked ground grit
of earth nestles
into crevices
between his
fingers toes

Alex Starr

Alex Starr is a writer in the San Francisco Bay Area. Alex's poems have been published in Vallum: Contemporary Poetry, Atlas & Alice, Snapdragon Journal, The Literary Bohemian, Lunch Ticket, Zoetic Press, The Write Launch, and Meat for Tea: The Valley Review. Prior recognitions include the Dorothy Sugarman Prize in Poetry, George Harmon Coxe Award in Fiction, and Barnes Shakespeare Essay Prize from the Cornell University English Department. Alex holds a B.A. in Philosophy/English from Cornell and Oxford where he co-led the Mansfield College Poetry Society.

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