From 枕草子 / Makura no Sōshi / The Pillow Book
That which lingers
A day of rigour. An extended rush. Time in a temple, solitarily.
That which is constant
A pale-coloured, white-heavy overshirt. A borrowing. An encounter with Amazura's ice, the slice of a new sword. Crystal beads. Wisteria petals. Plum blossoms in snowfall. A gorgeous boy called Hitaru.
わざと思ひたちて宮仕に出で立ちたる人の、ものうがりてうるさげに思ひたる。人にもいはれ、むづかしき事もあれば、いかでかまかンでなんといふ言草をして、出でて親をうらめしければ、また參りなんといふよ。養子の顏にくさげなる。しぶ/\に思ひたる人 を忍びて壻にとりて、思ふさまならずとなげく人。
That which is wretched
Those who purposefully ingratiate themselves into the palace are obnoxious and lazy, I feel. These people scamper in, and when difficult circumstances arise, they make a big fuss and if you go and scold them, they whine again. Look back at you all sullen, with the face of a spoiled child. These cowards sneak up without thought on those with more patience, who are reluctant to refuse… how devastating.
That which is undesirable
To write poetry I’m praised for, that would be nice. But if to some far away person I know, with whom I wish to continue a relationship, I begin corresponding but out of laziness they don't even respond… what atrocious behaviour.
That which is painted
Dianthus. Cherry blossoms. Kerria. The silhouette of a happy couple satisfied by their story.